ARDUINO DUE deska 12xAD 2xDA 12bit 84MHz 3,3V AT91SAM3X8EA

575,- Kč s DPH
475,- Kč bez DPH

471 / 62  Due R3 ARM

- Processor:AT91SAM3X8EA
- voltage: 3.3V
- Input voltage:7-12V
- Input voltage:6-20V Max
- Digit I/O port 54 pcs ( 12 PWM Output)
- Output current: 130mA
- 3.3V power supply pin can supply 00 mA current
- 512KB
- SRAM96 KB (two banks: 64KB and 32KB)
- Colock frequency:84 MHz

The Arduino Due Board has 12 analog inputs (pins from A0 to A11), each of which can provide 12 bits of resolution (i.e. 4096 different values). By default, the resolution of the readings is set at 10 bits, for compatibility with other Arduino boards. It is possible to change the resolution of the ADC with analogReadResolution(). The Due’s analog inputs pins measure from ground to a maximum value of 3.3V.

Applying more then 3.3V on the Due’s pins will damage the SAM3X chip. The analogReference() function is ignored on the Due.


Operating Voltage
Input Voltage (recommended)
Input Voltage (limits)
Digital I/O Pins
54 (of which 12 provide PWM output)
ADC Analog Input Pins
12 x ADC 12 bit
DAC Analog Outputs Pins
2x DAC 12 bit
Total DC Output Current on all I/O lines
130 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin
800 mA
DC Current for 5V Pin
800 mA
Flash Memory
512 KB all available for the user applications
96 KB (two banks: 64KB and 32KB)
Clock Speed
84 MHz

Přidat do košíku:

  • Kód: 100471
  • 2 Balení skladem

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Tento produkt byl přidán dne Neděle 14. červen 2015.

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